Universes running in parallel…

Universes running in parallel

It shouldn’t be this blog about personal private issues. At least it wasn’t my aim when I created it few days ago. But I’ve the feeling that I couldn’t go ahead not sharing with you my deepest concern, my toughest debate since life pushed me out of paradise.

Parallel universes!… A way of saying… Truth, unique in essence, is linked to reality… that appears multiple and changeable not only as a mix of facts and imagination but memories, feelings and interpretations, building all together individual realities that confronted with the others’ clash breaking into pieces the meaning of the word itself.

That’s my conflict and that’s why I’m fully convinced that absolute truth can’t be understood but beyond facts and words. So I do not intent to go through that, through it, but just to share with you my world, my universe, running parallel to yours…

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It´s time for a blog!

This is my first post onto a blog. I wondered many times about the opportunity of creating one. And now I have the feeling that it´s the right time to do it.

Reasons are all and none at once but specially the reality of the social memory these days. The confusion of the words reminds me so much the explanation, right or wrong, that I was given when teenager about dialectic resulting on the collapse of a unique era of amazing mastering of Philosophy that I can´t but foresee the coming years as the dusk of another marvelous time in history.

It´s time for a blog… Yes, definitively it is. Might be for nothing, might be simply to put together tears and anger using a binary code. Might be with the sole aim of giving testimony… testimony about another time in history  where people fought for ideas and freedom now already gone.

Prague, 2011

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